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Experiment 4

Domain: code generation Title: web design Goal: to generate an HTML page

Hypothesis: a user who don't know the HTML language want to create a simple web page. He uses the provided ontology

The aim of this experiment is to show the flexibility of the Auto-Adaptive System (AAS). An ontology update is sufficient to give new capacities to the AAS.

For this experiment a new classification has been added to the ontology: it is a part of the HTML language. On the figures 1, 2, 3 and 4, we have the new elements in the classification, all new agents for the new aim and a new experience.

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Figure 1. Elements of classification.

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Figure 2. List of agents.

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Figure 3. Experience linked to the HTML generation.

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Figure 4. Agent description concerning an HTML page.

During the processing, we have logs on a Terminal (figure 6). The result of the processing is presented on the figures 5 and 7. The AAS generate HTML language to create a web page. We have to work on the ontology to create more complex pages.

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Figure 5. Code generated.

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Figure 6. Log of the code generation.

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Figure 7. The result of the generation.