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Experiment 3

Domain: robotic Title: brain fusion Goal: Play with Ball or Bone

Here, a new experiment representing a brain fusion.

Hypothesis: Robot are active in an unknown environment for the execution of a set of actions according to some goals.

That is a crucial experience, allowing the on-line merging of two adaptive systems. The two Aibo's robots are running and we set up a wifi link between them. We begin an on-line association process between their agent's organizations, at the morphological level, with modification of the two organizations, and leading to three specific cases:

  • One robot is the master and the other the slave, about the current generation.
  • The two robot's generate a new morphology expressing an integrated new local brain with a new original focal point.
  • The aggregation is impossible: the two organizations have nothing in common and remain separate. We can apply this aggregation principle to n systems, which is the case of the large area survey.
broken image

A video with two current thoughts, a on-line fusion (agent's flux) between two artificial brains for a group decision-making:

Brain A + Brain B

A video with goals monitoring.Brain's goals are synchronized:

Brain A + Brain B